How To Stop Feeling Sad

Depression and sadness are two feelings and states of mind that cause paralysis of life.Both lead to freeze time.A stagnate pause in life.Be it short term or long term, if depression or sadness enter into the realm of your brain finding a solution is almost impossible since while being sad or depressed causes moments of clarity to know there is indeed something wrong to seek another option to help yourself is rare.

Someone once told me, years ago, that when you are sad….look up at others and their hardship.If you search long enough, you will find someone worse off than you.I don’t know who said that to me, but it has stuck.And to this day I think of that often.

Except in 2013.I forgot.It was during the time when my husband was gone and I struggled to get out of bed to take care of my three children, when the director of “PS I Love You Foundation,” called to ask if I’d teach their program to teens with bulling issues because of my background in connecting, comedy and laughter.

I was so taken aback by her call, I was almost angry with her, “Did you not realize my husband is gone and I am having a hard enough time taking care of my own three kids, yet alone other kids I don’t even know???”

The director was kind and we got off the phone.

Several months later, I got a visit from God in the middle of the night.My husband was till gone, bu the voice was loud and clear:You will teach that class.That voice was so strong, the moment I woke up, 6:47am, even before I brushed my teeth or washed my face, I grabbed my phone and called back the woman who’d asked me to come work with her.

“God called, he said I have to teach your class….”
There was a pause and then laughter.She laughed.Out loud and said, “Great!Can you start in January?”
It was October and I just said, “Yes!”
It didn’t matter about the details.I knew that would get sorted out.Because I was now going to be of service.To others. Who needed my help.And that was my promise right there.

That was it.I was now a teacher for a program called, “Love4Life” and I need to be 100% clear with you, dear wives and husbands….that program saved me and made me who I am today.

If I wouldn’t have been a teacher for Love4Life, would not exist.I’m Sure of it.

It was a succession of things that happened so perfectly, no one would believe it if I shred it.But I will, at some point.

The story is just too good!

But the bottom line is the same:

Become of service to others and you will live well.

They say when you teach, you become.
Well, I became….a 100% better person.

This video is EXCELLENT!!! Has nothing to do with marriage or Midlife Crisis…but it has lots to do with being of service to get you out of your slup!!

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