The Books:
“Never Split the Difference”
is the book you buy when you are ready to negotiate with your husband for…staying away from divorce…for getting more money…for getting him to sleep over once in a while. Get what you want by using words and emotions to get it. GREAT book!! Made for “other” negotiations, but from what you learn from me AND what this book teaches you will have a serious skill! Oh and get the audiobook – it’s better to LISTEN to how he says what he says. Genius!!!A Fierce Love: One Woman’s Courageous Journey to Save Her Marriage :
This is the book I’d have written if I had patience and 2,000 hours to write it all down. This book is an amazing story of love and following God’s word. If you go to church and believe there is a God, this will be your second Bible. This woman is just like the title “Fierce”. I really love this book. It’s so inspiring. Standing is tough. She rocked it. She’s amazing.Divorce Busting:
Oh My God. The greatest book. This book saved me. So much information in here to keep you on track for everything. From day to day living to beliving in another path to dealing with a MidLife Crisis. I’m sad to think of all the divorces that could have been stopped had they only read this book. Love Michelle and love this book.Broken Heart on Hold: Surviving Separation.
This book was hard to read because it was very raw. Very little is worse than living in your home without the spouse you love by your side. Linda Rooks brings peace, love and a sense of calm as she talks of being alone, scared and well…on hold. God is a big part of this book too!
The Divorce Remedy: The Proven 7-Step Program for Saving Your Marriage:
I loved this book!!! LOVED This book!!! I love author Michele Weiner Davis too. This book is for everyone who does NOT want a divorce. As Michele says, “At the end of the day, t’s just not worth it.” She accounts brilliantly proven strategies and steps she’s seen work. Loved this book. A must for you if you are even reading these words now. Michele Weiner Davis has some great videos on youtube. Free. She’s brilliant. Be sure to watch them all.
This isn’t the Story you Think it is:
LOVE HER!!! Love this true story!! Laura Munson wrote this when her hubby was off doing…well…no one knows. But it was how she made it through those months until he returned. I followed this book as if my life depended on it. It was my biggest hope. After my own husband returned I discovered (much to my bewildered horror) that Laura and her husband did end up getting a divorce years after their reconciliation.
I actually spoke with Laura herself and as much as I prodded to find out the real honest truth of what could have possibly happened, she and her husband decided to keep their details private. Ugh. I have no conclusion. But then again, their marriage was about them. Not me, the writer with the endless will to know and share. So if you read this amazing book of hope, please note: it DID work. For then. Laura is a brave beautiful woman, who, when I was going through my difficult time was there for me. She is funny too. A beautiful soul.
I love you but I’m not in love with you:
Ugh. Such a crappy thing to say to someone. If you heard those words, feel me hugging you through this page right now. I’m so sorry. You ARE a great person. Specially because you refuse to just sit there and online because you are actually trying to understand wtf happened and make your life better! Take a moment and give yourself a high five! I hated hearing those words. But I felt better when I learned that not only do men say those words often, it’s so popular, someone wrote a BOOK with those words as the title!
When God Winks: How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life
These are UNBELIEVABLE books to read. Why I suggest them for you is because they are a reminder that there is a God and what you are doing in your life right now – keeping your family together – is right and good.
Feel good reading these books and know if you are aware, things will happen to you. They did to me! There was a period of time that God came to me right when I needed him. Strange, weird, freaky, but it was him and he helped me see. My God Wink story a link is here.
Below are all the books. I wish there was a link to buy the whole series, WITH a discount, but they don’t have that yet.
Godwinks & Divine Alignment: How Godwink Moments Guide Your Journey
God Winks on Love:
Love is what we all want. It’s one of the two things we NEED: Love and understanding.
Unconditional love is hard when he does what he hurts you, however it’s where we must go. I hope you love these books as much as I do. The God Wink books bring hope. We all need hope.
I have a more to add…and will do so when I have more time….but these are a great start!!
Reason To Read:
In my case, just before I read all these books, HELL had just crashed onto myself and my children. A man I loved and committed myself to forever had begun an ugly descent to a place I didn’t understand nor care to want to. Any place without me, his trusting, got-your-back-through-this-insanity-we-call-life wife, was not a place I supported. And I flat out did not know what to do. Me the problem solver, the girl that could fix anything, except furniture and hard-core electrical wiring, had no solutions. Except cry, avoid all social situations and imagine my bed as another universe I could disappear into pretend my current life was not mine. There was no tutorial, no manual and no human I could find that could give me a step by step guide to get my husband back home.Where To Seek Calm:
The only source of calm I had were in two places: 1) Google, where I could search any weird segment of words and it would reliably help me right away with an answer: a) how to get my husband back, b) how to entice a mistress to leave my husband, c) how to put eyeliner on puffy eyes when I can’t find my lower lid. My other source of calm during my husbands midlife crisis was 2) Books. I devoured them like Godiva Chocolates gave me an all-you-can-eat-pass. Below I’ve listed my personal favorite books that helped me deal with my husband’s Midlife Crisis MLC. They can help any husband or wife dealing with this chaos and looking to get answers and get out fast.My Personal Recommendation:
Here is the deal, I hate when people recommend stuff online they have never seen, read, tasted or even touch. Below I only have personally read every single one of the below books, but there is blood, sweat, tears and probably a few runny buggers that hit the pages as well. Each I personally recommend for different reasons, so be sure to read all of the details before you click to buy. Remember, reading brings clarity, comfort and calm. Keeping your mental state calm is key during this time, so you can truly realize that you are not crazy and that a midlife crisis or some alien being has stolen your husband. When your husband/wife leaves, either mentally or physically. It sucks. Period. There is very little comfort offered anywhere to soothe your panic as you move through the space you once used to share with that great guy who is just…well…gone.Happy Endings:
The most comfort I ever received during my time while my husband was not living with us, was snuggling into bed with a book written by someone who had been through my pain and not only survived…their husbands came back. I longed for stories of happy endings and became obsessed with finding them. Hence the reason for interviewing and gathering hundreds and hundreds of personal stories. Below are just some of the books I read that got me through those two years…and still help me when I need to refresh or reread something I had read years ago. What I truly love is that every author has their own personal experience and information that they bring to the pages. I encourage you to read them all and learn to be open to changing anything you are doing now.Life is a journey. We are not perfect people. We can all learn from each other to be the best person and partner we can possibly be!
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