Yah! You found me!
I am so Grateful and Blessed to hold your hand and guide you through this rough patch in your marriage.
You WILL get through this AND be better!
I see it! I watch it! I know it!
Yah! You found me!
I am so Grateful and Blessed to hold your hand and guide you through this rough patch in your marriage.
You WILL get through this AND be better!
I see it! I watch it! I know it!
I am not a counselor.
I am not a therapist.
I am not here to waste your time or your money.
I am a COACH. I hold your hand and help you to get your husband home and your marriage back better than before!! I get you out of the dugout onto the field, up to bat and holding your position just right to hit that ball out of the park! With me…you get the HOMERUN!!
1) Set up goals, strategy, solutions, deadlines, action plans.
2) Teach new behaviors so you know what to do, how to act, what to say.
3) Teach what works and what doesn’t work.(Cause all husbands are not the same.)
4) We get you to see where you have made mistakes, where you will make future mistakes, how to accept them, and then redirect to a new plan.
5) Build confidence and certainty.
6) Bring Calmness and understanding that what you are doing is right and sane and better than running to the hills as a victim of divorce!
I help people get what they want.
97% of my clients I coach want their husband/wife home.
I do that. I LOVE to do that. I did it for me and I know how it gets done. Every day I talk to struggling people all over the world.
I help save marriages, which means I help save whole families….which gets passed on…for generations. I won’t be here to see this work, but I am 100% confident that’s what will happen!
Inspirational Speaker, Columnist, Author, Endless Researcher (I will ask questions to strangers all day long), PodCast Host -TheWifeExpert.com ❤️
“Marriage with Joy” Regular Panelist, “Divorce with Integrity” Regular Panelist, Writer on TheLifeExpert.com and TheWifeExpert.com (you are here!)
I’m the Wife of an Incredible Wonderful Man ❤️
Mom to 3 Adult-ish kids + 1 more incredible kid.
We have 1 dog, 2 cats & 2 turtles.
Have an Airbnb room open to rent (You get priority!) when you/your kids/your family visit beautiful California! (The beach is only 12 blocks away!) Just ask me! If it’s open, I can get you booked! And no one has to know we even know each other!
Adopted at birth, I grew up in Mt Prospect, IL (near Chicago), raised by 2 amazing parents, Pete and Fran. We lived on Cholo Lane, a street that had so many kids, we were sure we lived in heaven on earth. I went to John Hersey High School in Arlington Heights, took short-hand because “it was important” and for a full semester, our public school system taught us how to drive, with school cars! I was part of a Pom team that competed and I fell in love with the idea that a group of people could dance the same way to one song and compete and win? So cool. Loved it! Still love it. If we meet on a dance floor, teach me your moves and I’m in!
For college I wanted to go to Hawaii…but because I was hoping to stay local and “rise together” with friends in business, Loyola University of Chicago is where I went. My favorite teacher was a “working” lawyer who stood in front of us for an hour and told us stories that blew my mind. From him I learned on thing: Have an “opinion.” My unfavorite class? Accounting. I got straight A’s as I’m good at numbers. But hate the process. Later when a boyfriend I knew I’d never marry, moved to CA, I was jealous. I wanted to live someplace warm and knew if he could do it, I could. So I found a job in “Product Placement” for movies and TV shows and moved to Southern CA. On weekends I would go down to this incredible beach area and met the nicest boys from back east. Again, there were “Kids” my age everywhere in this place and since I loved people, it was my 2nd experience of heaven on earth! I soon met the man I would marry and the rest…well…you can read in an upcoming book.
There is NO REASON to reinvent the wheel!
I just took the nitty gritty of what was needed and that was it!
It worked.
As soon as my husband came home…others began to come to me for help. And I got busy. I decided to go to this Community School and apply to teach a class I created!
The HR admin man said, “You have several college degrees but, you don’t have a teaching degree. No one will take your class because you aren’t certified to be a teacher!”
I almost laughed but instead I politely said, “Actually everyone will want to take my class. I will sell out. The information I will be teaching will change women forever!”
He laughed at me and said, “Well, you can’t teach here in our community without a degree.”
I left.
Frustrated. I knew I was meant to do this…but how?
A good friend said, “You know you can just get a life coach certificate…?”
I said, “Hmmmm….I can not be a life coach. I make fun of those people.”
Later I thought, “I could be a WIFE coach.”
I signed up to get my Coaching Certificate in a solid year program and the rest is history!!
I never did go back to that school. 😂
Let’s be 100% clear: I am a better teacher of what I learned and know then anyone! Becoming a Certified Coach, specializing in midlife crisis advice & support, is my greatest gift to this world! To date, I have helped thousands of women make it through separation, stop their divorce, and get their husbands back!
Now that you are here reading this – you are next!!
Whether he is at home, living away, living with a girl, being a miserable ass or maybe he is just about to leave or threatening to leave…. I am 100% dedicated to helping you get him home and make your marriage better than ever. Your family is so important to me, I stop my life to help you. Because I’ve been where you are and I know how horrible that pain is.
Let go…let GOD….
Live your life!
Like below..
Here is me just being silly.
Find joy!!
Find Laughter!!!
“Life is not a slow tired walk to your grave….Oh No! I plan on sliding in sideways, holding loads of memories and laughing my ass off yelling, ‘Whooo hoo! What a ride!’ ” Laurie McDermott aka TheWifeExpert.com