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Grateful Wives share their deep Feelings & Personal Reviews
about what it’s like to work with me!
Can’t wait to talk to YOU so you can have a success too!
SCROLL down to the Bottom to see REAL Screenshot Texts!
Grateful Wives share their deep Feelings & Personal Reviews
about what it’s like to work with me!
Can’t wait to talk to YOU so you can have a success too!
To All:
If you’re wondering if Laurie is real when she says, she’s always available, she is truthful. It’s like…there is God and then there is Laurie!!! Here on Earth. I felt cared for and safe at the most darkest days and nights of my life. I had conditional support from her when life and I became unbearable!!! I told her one day, “I need you to do this for me!!!! I cant!!!! It’s too hard!!!” She did. Per Laurie, LOVE and let go!!!! One more thing she always told me….”shut the F…UP!!!”
May her videos and message give you strength to be good to yourself during the storm. I love her.
xo – Miggy FL
Hi Laurie,
Hope this letter finds you and your family well. I’m writing this letter to express my since appreciation for all the coaching , support and tireless hours that you mentored me through an extremely emotional and stressful time with my marriage .When we started , I thought my case was hopeless .You were on point with all of your ideas, strategies and resources. When we first spoke you were very transparent and explained this would be a marathon, however you stated there is a finish line. You were always vested in my situation , no matter how much work and effort was required. You not only helped in marriage related issues , but life in general. I would definitely advise anyone considering to use your program to “get started” this will be the best investment that they will ever make. The techniques and lessons you taught me will be used for the rest of my life. I’m forever grateful for your time and support and always being available.
(This was written by a wonderful loving good man!! IT IS POSSIBLE!!)
hi laurie,
LOL! You’re welcome! You are always so positive, so hopeful. My sister isn’t even talking to me right now. She’s a frickin mess and it’s not my mess and I don’t care what she thinks about my life and the fact that I’m not giving up on my husband!
You’re my beacon of light in my light house, helping me to keep it lit for him to come home. I so appreciate you and everything you do for us! What an amazing woman you are!
You are helping us to become better people no matter what happens.
Lots of love and admiration,
Letter sent to me to share:
“Laurie is an angel sent from God to save marriages. I do not say that lightly; it comes from a deep place of faith and understanding of the divine. If it wasn’t for the advice, coaching, encouragement, and unwavering hope she gave me, I would not still be married today.
Two years ago, my wife of nine years came home out of the blue and told me she no longer loved me or wanted to be married. I floundered alone for nine months trying to figure out what to do. Once I discovered a long infidelity, I filed for separation and spiraled further downward until hitting the lowest point of my life. That is when God led me to Laurie.
She completely changed the trajectory of my life. From our very first phone call, I followed her advice and saw instant results. For the next eight months, I relied on her almost daily. She respected the boundaries I set for myself and always adjusted her advice to me as she kept me on the straight path. She gave me encouragement and validation when I needed it most. The value she provided cannot be given a price….helping me focus on personal growth, giving me strength to become a better dad through my separation, and ultimately keeping me in a place to which my wife could eventually return.
I would implore anyone who finds their marriage in trouble and wants to stay married to allow Laurie to be a part of your journey. I continue to thank God daily for the blessing this woman is to marriages.”
P – Chattanooga, TN
“Something totally unexpected happened after the church service yesterday. I was standing with xxx, and some random man came up to me and told me what a great father I am. He said that from across the room it was clearly evident the love that I have for my children and how much they love me.It was also a little awkward for him to be saying that to me right in front of xxx… On Mother’s Day!Thank you!”
PJ Morgan – Seattle
Loved watching the recording of the zoom, felt super proud when your ‘Aussie friend’ was praised! That was me! Thank you! I was just thinking, I describe myself to people as ‘Wonder Woman’…deflecting all the shit that’s coming at me, so it doesn’t destroy my soul, and so I can keep staying straight. Which means remembering that I married a ‘strong man with a kind heart,‘ who, right now is a ‘lost man with a frozen heart.’ You help me, every day!
Thanks! Aussie -S
Ecstatic that you are doing Group Coaching now! 🙂 I must keep watching your videos!!! Good news!! Something imploded and he is home (I hope) for good!! Things have improved after 4 yrs in a major way!
Remember when you told me to make a goal…??? Well a mini goal of mine (that I reset this year) (after waiting year after year and it not happening) that hopefully by THIS wedding anniversary things would change… (and yes it did!) and within 4 long years of the anniversary of the ILUBNILWY speech…. it’s over!!! He’s back!! Yay! To be honest, I’m not out of the woods but keep praying! It’s working!!!
Love ya!!! – Jen S
I watch your videos a lot! You are the only person who gives me hope in this crazy situation. Every time I feel like giving in, I watch a video.And Feel better! Thank you for the wake up call! I need to be a better wife and less of a mother (which he wouldn’t need if his own mother had actually been a mother). Thank you thank you thank you!.
DBK – Chicago
Hello Laurie,I read the response you wrote for his Aunt.That is soooooo good. I definitely want to keep communication open and You said everything I wanted to say so perfect!
Thanks you for all you do for me and others.
V – do I have to tell you where I’m from?
Hi. Yes he’s home and we had an amazing day together yesterday.Your videos, emails, and texts helped me through an extremely difficult month and I’m SO grateful for your wisdom. It could have gone the other way for sure. I have so much to learn still!
Melodie – Knottsville
When I found Laurie, my 17 year marriage had collapsed, and my husband was MIA. I knew I wanted to save my marriage, but I didn’t have friends or family who could give me the wisdom I knew I needed. If I had continued to listen to those around me, our marriage and family (we have 2 teenagers) wouldn’t have survived.
Laurie was there for me in CRITICAL moments when I needed her most.
Her call and texting services were absolutely integral to my sanity (and sucess) on those difficult days where I wanted to give up and revert back to old habits (complaining, questioning, begging, crying, yelling). But I didn’t.
I did what she said.
I followed her advise and ‘stayed straight.’
On the rare moments he was nearby, I was friendly, kind, and grateful, and tried my best to ignore what he was or was not doing. I found my happiness and self respect again, despite incredibly difficult circumstances. I did this for months on end, and even though I certainly had rough moments and days, it got easier to stay focused on my life and happiness. I truly realized that no matter what, I would be ok. (but deep down I knew our marriage would come back stronger and better). And guess what? My husband and I have reconciled. Our marriage IS better than EVER: healthy, loving, intimate, respectful, safe, and built on trust and gratitude. In hindsight, I see that this dark journey was necessary for us both.
We are now on our 2nd marriage, but with the same person!! My husband thanks me everyday for getting us here, and I thank Laurie for helping me find my way. Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude to Laurie. She is the voice of wisdom and sanity during a time of crisis and insanity. Listen to her!
Melody – CA
Thank you for your time yesterday, i feel being recharged after talking to you and heard some advises from you. Thanks again. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Cynthia – Irvine
I’m so grateful to have found you. You have such a calm, comforting and sassy way about you. I felt you become a very good friend to me almost instantly. Thank you. I hope one day our paths will cross in person.
Rachel PV
Just wanted to say you are the best. Thank you for all of your videos and tips! My husband texted with me today and at one point he said he’s going to put back the money he hid from me. And I responded how I thought you would tell me to respond. And it worked!!!Thank you for making me realize where I needed to work on myself!
Becky – Sacramento
God gave you a gift that you shared with me. Others have no idea what they are missing. So many husbands owe you for helping hold their families together!! Thank you.
Marcy – Cleveland
I was at a store today and noticed that the cashier’s hair was pretty. And I thought of you saying that we should be kind to people and say and so nice things every day. So I told her I love her hair and asked if it was naturally curly. She said, “Wow. Yes. Thank you! You just made my day. I didn’t have a chance to do my hair today and was feeling self conscious about it. But thank you so much!” ❤️ And it’s something so easy and something I should know how to do. But I heard your voice reminding me to be kind. And her being happy made my night! So win win!.
Jess – CA
I’m so glad I found you.You are an angel and the only one who really truly understands unconditionally ❤️. Your videos are just the best!Thank you for creating them for us because I’d be calling you every day otherwise.
Stacie D. – Michigan
You are the first woman I sent flowers to. Thank you.I get it now.
Devon – Florida
“Hi Laurie! I just wanted to reach out and give you an update and thank you again for your texts, phone calls, and videos that helped me through some dark days. Jxxx has been HOME, sleeping in OUR bed, for about a month now. I have been consistently applying your skills.This journey is certainly not finished, but he is home & has been helping more with the kids and has been really helping! I thank him a lot, and he even thanked me the other day – which is/was HUGE! So basically, what you teach IS working, and I feel pretty good and transformed and amazing most of the time. I do feel a bit sorry for myself once in a while, when I long for a proclamation from John of his undying love, commitment, and respect and apology, but I know that will come someday, and even if not, I know my own worth.
Thanks again Laurie. Thanks again for your time and listening ear when I was really needing it.
“Just want to say our session helped me tremendously!!! Mostly to solidify I have a lot to offer and him leaving was not my fault, but you opened my eyes that I was not building him up in our marriage. I signed up for the videos and they are amazing!My perspective has changed, and the few interactions wehad via text just this weekend turned into a 20 minute conversation!! Then last night at his apartment, when I picked up my son, I just let him talk and he kept sharing and sharing. When my son and I left he had a disappointed look on his face (like he wished we weren’t leaving). I don’t know what is to come but I feel empowered and know that no matter the outcome I’m gonna be okay.”
Ashley – East Coast
I need to talk to wives reading this!! You need to Listen to Laurie!! Seriously!! Watch her videos over and over and let the content really sink in! Her videos impart relationship advice and wisdom that is crucial, yet not common knowledge. If you find yourself in a difficult situation such as a spouse’s mid-life crisis, you need a wise teacher who has been through what you are going through! Friends and family are often well-meaning and want to help, but if you want to save your marriage you should listen to what Laurie has to say. I turned to her during a critical time in my marriage when my husband was taking space (yet again!) My usual reaction would have been anger and anxiety, but Laurie’s short, concise, and funny videos told me exactly what I need to hear and stopped me from taking actions that would have only made things worse. On days when I found myself spiraling downwards into habitual thoughts, Laurie’s texting service literally saved me! Seriously, she knows what she is talking about and I recommend her videos wholeheartedly! Thanks Laurie!!!!
Forever Grateful to you Laurie!Love, Nancy
I never believed in angels….till I started talking to you…you are an angel.My angel.
May Selmik-Florida
This job you have helping us wives?I think about the stuff you deal with all day every day of us women not knowing how to act. I’m so glad I found you!I have an acquaintance I talk to who is also going through messy stuff: separation, divorce, Horseface.She’s in year two and just doesn’t understand and hasn’t changed at all.And from here I can see that I’ve come such a long way…… when comparing myself to her or others. Wow.Although I know I can always be so much better!
Jenny J
Priceless.That’s what you have been to me. I don’t know if I’d still be here without you.
AWC – Australia
I couldn’t even function when he left and now I have a plan. God bless you and Thank you.
Stacy S – Indiana
Laurie, things have been going really great over here. The Wife and I are back under one roof, talking a lot, praying together daily…still a lot to unpack, but I know I never could have gotten here if God didn’t put you in my life. “Thank you” just doesn’t seem to come close to how grateful I am for what you did for me ….What you did for our marriage and our family!I’m flying down to LA next week to have a chat with my parents…need to clearly let them know where things stand and set some ground rules going forward. I want to find you and give you a huge hug!
Anderson – WA
Hi Laurie, I got your card today!! Thank you so much. I just wanted to give you an update. My husband and I had a breakthrough a couple weeks ago like I had texted, and it’s only gotten better since then. I’m not sure what shifted but did but it’s pretty Dang amazing. I think it might have to do partly with the way I handled the discovery of the other woman, and also the slow momentum that I’ve been building since Spring.
J is so incredibly grateful that I’ve hung in there and that I showed up the way I have, and that I’m willing to trust him 100% and believe him when he tells me how deep his love is for me and how this is what he is always wanted.
It’s like my unconditional love finally broke through his pain, and he surrendered and is willing to go all in, as am I. We joke about our last marriage, and are planning on getting remarried.
We are really enjoying our time together, and are aware that after we’ve made it through this, we’re pretty dying solid. We know now that we can face any challenge together Thank you so much for your support
You really helped make this renewal happen💕. – Karen Z
Hi Laurie, hope you’re doing well. Just wanted to send a quick note because I was super discouraged this morning, feeling very alone trying to care for all the things my husband used to help me with, and I decided to just listen to your videos and let them auto play one right after the other until I felt better. I have to say I feel like we are kindred spirits, the way you describe how you feel, both good and bad, and your mistakes along the way, I echo them entirely.. and they make me laugh when I feel like crying. So anyway, thanks for the videos, know how much of a far reaching impact they’re having, and keep them coming! ❤
RM- New Jersey
Thank you so much for all your strength and wisdom…I don’t know what I would have done without your videos. I had days where I would steal away to binge on an hour or so of them…Reading surrendered wife recently has helped a lot as well… I’m sure you’ve heard of Laura Doyle. Similar concepts to you. I read The Universe Has Your Back as well… all of it… I’m a changed person. I couldn’t seem to get my hands on the The Queens Code for whatever reason yet, but I imagine it’s similar to Laura Doyle’s stuff. I’ll get there eventually. I’ve been such a good student and so determined… my husband is a good guy-he’s just so so so so lost when he comes back… I’m so excited to show him the new better version of myself. I was doing so many things wrong without even realizing. I thought I was helping, etc… no self care what so ever (now I’m afflicted to myself :)! In a healthy way of course!) Anyway… I’m not a success story yet, but I will be and you, YOU, YOU are who got me through I love you from afar for that
I apologize for the scattered message… 3 kids running around and through my legs at all times.
LZ. Atlanta
I’m realizing lately that I fought my husband on everything. I think I got it from my mother. Now that I’m changing I see how she overreacts with more clarity. I so wish I learned this stuff earlier. It’s like my husband ‘s attitude was never personal but I reacted to it like it was a huge assault and I wasn’t going to let anyone talk/treat me that way. But I turned into someone who then he could treat poorly cause I was acting poorly. I’m not like that anymore. I want to be helpful and on the same team. I realize that doesn’t mean I’m a doormat. His personality is that he is really self centered and I think I thought if I jumped on that train with him I would lose myself. But I did anyway. Because I am kind and helpful and caring and I held that back from him. – Zara
Thank God for you Laurie. I don’t know what I would have done without your program. Well I know what I would have done especially after this week, I would have been pissed off, told him off, asked for a divorce and all hope would have been lost. I do see things differently now thanks to you. It’s not him, it’s mlc, two different people and I can immediately tell which one comes to visit. He’s in there, I know he is. I have faith in him. – Jenny K
Hi Laurie – I just wanted to say you’re an amazing human being. Your logical approach to this nightmare freed me from anxiety and misery. Something my therapist could not help me with for months! I would not only obsess about his AP but I’d be like afraid of her! Obviously I am not a strong woman like you are… I was unable to be productive during my day and could not think of anything but him and her. And then you gave me a new perspective. You helped me get rid of the FEAR. That was my biggest issue. You gave me hope. And even if it’s false hope, I am not wasting my life and health. I live my life again. As of now, I decided to try your approach till June 17. If the two of them stay together and live happily then I will move on with my life as well. I will be forever grateful helping me get out of that harmful mindset. Thank you! Anna
My idiot, MLCrising, Unemployed husband who is on the other end of the state for reasons I don’t know why on our wedding anniversary just sent me flowers. I cried at work. 🙂
ML – Idaho
YES! Pretty big breakthrough! Feeling empowered and great and glad! Wasn’t expecting it so soon! Happy for my daughters.He seems more “normal” but I’m not kidding myself. I understand from you.Thank you so much. I’m thinking of writing a follow-up letter will you help when you’re available? Oh and on the fun front, my daughter and I are attending bar tending school next weekend!
S – Sacramento, CA
I’m trying !! Thank you for helping me navigate this, God sent me an angel in you
Tina. UK
You helped me stop hating him after he left and just accept and see my husband for who he is.And you were right.Everything you said was right.He’s back and things are different, way better.Thanks for helping me see what I didn’t see was already right there.It’s actually changed the way I see everything.
Wendy – NYC.
Do you remember what an angry *itch I was that first day we talked? Who was I back then? I’m embarrassed.I can honestly admit I’ve come a long, long way. (I never would have been able to say or write that before) And it’s all your fault!!Thank you!
Ida W – Washington.
I just want to let you know what an awesome help your text messages have been to me. I followed all your advice and my husband has finally made the turn.He has gotten rid of the other person, he wants to come home, he wants to fix things, your advice was spot-on.Everything you said turned out.I would love to leave you a positive review as you made me understand this wasn’t about me!!I will admit, all your advice, it’s really hard to do. But if you stick with it, it does work. So thank you. People like you are an angel on the plant.
Melissa N. – Missouri
(no spaces…that is just for spam!)
FYI: I want him home more than you do….
Subscribe to my videos and learn what I did to take MASSIVE action to get him home!