No one is going to make you happy.
We are on our own with this one!!
Not your wife, your hubby, your friends, your co-workers.
You must come into all relationships happy and in love with YOU in order to be happy, really happy on the outside.
Don’t have time for long-term therapy?
Here are 10 simple ways on how to be happy right now:
- Just Smile. Make it part of your outfit. Without it you are NAKED.
- Call someone that when you think of their name, you smile.
- Go to
- Lay on the grass and look up at the sky…and watch it for 10 mins.
- Grab a piece of paper and write down 5 things you are grateful for.
- Think of what you like to do, pick a date and then put it on the calendar.
- Take a bath, go to yoga or just breath.
- Look in the mirror and find 4 things that you love about you – ignore all the things you do not like.
- Find the things you don’t like…and ask yourself “What would my life be like without them…” (like your butt…if you don’t like your butt, what would your life be like without a butt at all??)
- Call a person you know loves you and talk with them…if you are sad, tell them. Give people at opportunity to love you and make you feel good about you.
Also – watch this video…
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