Best Marriage Advice I’ve heard
Best Marriage Advice I’ve heard is so simple.
When two people are married for life, they must care about each others’ feelings and desires. Even when they are tired, lazy or just don’t feel like it.
They don’t always have to agree, but a husband and wife must behave in ways that make the relationship feel safe and connected. Or it won’t. And problems will arise like green gunky mold on stale hard breakable bread.
In the big scheme of things, do you really care about the trash or the clothes on the floor, or him watching sports all day instead of mowing the lawn?
Don’t you want peace?
Let it go.
See that sun peeking out in that photo above?
That’s reality.
Step over his laundry. Put a brown grocery bag outside the trash bin and start filling that up. When he watches sports, bring the computer or a book and go sit next to him.
You can GO with the flow or you can ‘fight’ it.
To get there you have to work together…play together…parent together…travel together…save money together…fight together…make up together…sex together.
Life is hard.
Marriage is harder.
But the choices you make will all lead you to where you want to go.
So decide where you want to go…and be sure to choose wisely.
Here are the choice for travel places:
Happyland or FightCountry.
Your choice.

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