Family Feud is not just a game show, when the cameras are off, pay attention, there is so much to learn!
Steve Harvey gets a front row seat to real life played on in person right on his show. Well, it’s not his show but he took it over and DANG that man is doing magic for those who hear what he has to say off-camera and in-between shows. They tape several at a time, using one group of audience!). And back in the day, they would use warm up comedians to keep the crowd awake in-between each show as it’s hot and looooong boring waits in between.
Since Steve Harvey IS a comedian, instead of hiding in the “green room” where most celebrities like to sit solo and in private, Mr Harvey, is a peoples man and absolutely LOVES standing right in front of the crowd and sharing life advice to the audiences who adore him…and hang on every word.
And it’s good stuff. Great words. Steve Harvey has not had an easy life and what he speaks is real and truth and gets the point across really fast and clear!
As a long time comedian, I love laughter and Steve Harvey, who I worked with years ago, is just “good people”. And while he ended up on Family Feud. I ended up in a better spot! Right here with you!! Trust me, this is better for me! And you!
Jump on Youtube and watch Steve during his shows. Amazing! What a gift!
Also – if you want to send any of these videos to your husband – let me know? I have a secret way to send your hubby anything you want and no one will know! You just pick the video or article and away we go!
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