This is on my YouTube channel – please subscribe! if you want to read it here. I posted it here for safe keeping. It’s timeless.
Women – please work with me to create a code of ethics. We do not covet others husbands. Period.
This is a Letter from horseface (affair partner) to the sister of her boyfriend who is married to the woman I am coaching (who still wants her husband home. Calmly and quietly)
this is her picture she uses on Facebook…yes…that’s a nice woman huh?
Hi (name of sister),
I’m sorry to get you involved but I think it’s important for you to know who your brother really is. I’m sure you have heard him mention my name before. We were more than best friends. We were in a relationship for almost 6 years.
He also played a role in my children’s life as well. I was led to believe his marriage was over and it couldn’t’ aved when we met and he
leaving her and it couldn’t be saved when we met and he was leaving her when Cam turned 18. We fell deeply in love and from what he told me, he never knew it could be that way. However, considering the situation there were many complications that led to many arguments and he became very secretive and I caught him in many white lies.
This past October we quit going “all in” but still kept in sexual, best friends talking everyday and he begged me to change so we could have a future. l also begged him to let me go if there was someone else. He promised me everytime there was not. In every shape form of a lie there wasn’t. Well, according to several friend groups that he was hanging out with, their daughters and the best friend of this woman. He has had ANOTHER girlf ‘since at least Jan/Feb. so he has managed a wife at home (not yet divorced) me still having a sexual, intimate, interacting with me kids and now another girl to the mix! Which he will deny.
Well, it all blew up and the web of lies has been exposed, he has been caught red handed. He became a little too big for his britches. I did reach out to Kim, not sure if Marty intercepted the message or not. He will claim I’m “crazy” I am a single mother who fell in love with your brother which I know was wrong. I was fed lies, one after another. I was gaslighted every time l questioned him, made to feel crazy. It was turned around on me. At this point I’m sure there are more prior to me. He is NOT the same man I met 6 years ago.
There is a level of cockiness in him and a need for attention that he will deny. I am not crazy! I am hurt, I am embarrassed, I have shame, l am sorry to Kim! If he denies anything, I have all the text messages, emails, videos and pictures! I am so sorry to get you involved. But this man needs to stop hurting people.
MY COMMENTS to the woman who wants to cheat with a married man:
Where do I begin? She knowingly accepted a relationship with a married man and has kept secrets and lies. And now she is upset because he is doing the same thing again? Where did she sign up for commitment or loyalty? When did she think it was okay enough to knowingly hurt a woman and not think it will happen to her?
Women can be so stupid. Then they regret. Why Regret? Regret is a waste of time.
DO NOT under any circumstances screw around with a married man and expect him to join you or stay with you. He wants his wife. And when his wife becomes who she was when they first met, he will go home.
That is what I have studied, researched and seen with my own eyes.
What does that mean? STAY AWAY from married men. Even if they are separated or tell you his wife doesn’t understand him. While all of those may be true, there is much more that you won’t know – he only tells you what he wants you to know…and all of it is only to get you to help him feel good. You are being used as a blanket.
In the end: You will hurt many and You will get 0. So why do it? The thrill? So you feel special? Needed? Waste of time and energy. Imagine if you put that time love and energy into your child??? or children??? Or husband that you may be ignoring? WOWOWOWOWOW.
Everything GOOD! Because that is what you promised.
and if you are not married? Don’t you want a man that you can “do” everything first? As your own? If you don’t think you are worthy….then that can be changed. Reach out to a coach like me ( and we can get you married to a man who is 100% available and FREE to be just yours.
These men are out there. You are just seeking chaos. And let that be no more!
Can I get an AMEN? ❤️🙏
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