Maria found her husband with another woman and didn’t kill her. Instead she focused on her cowardly, scared husband weeping in the corner. He was a mess.
“Why?” She wondered. “Why ruin a 20 year marriage and life time of memories, kids, fun…for some new & exciting blonde bimbo with big boobs, nasty hair and a promise to “think you are perfect, never complain or ask you to take out the trash…” (cause that’s what happens in the first 2 years anyway.)
Maria’s story had me horrified and chuckling. Since it happened 3 years ago she could join me on her insane courage and tenacity instead of bawling her eyes out.
Maria walked into their back house on a day she wasn’t to be home and inside on the mattress that had been laying on the floor was her husband and a ‘blonde lady with boobs so big” she didn’t even notice she had a face.
(And truly, if a woman does bed up with a married man – not only does she not have a face, her soul is awol too! These women deserve prayer because something inside of them is making them do the wrong thing. Unwise choices…that have only themselves to blame. Nothing good ever comes out of an affair. Except a child. An innocent child.)

Maria stood there in silence looking at her husband saying nothing. Then she looked at the girl and the girl demanded, “Who are you?”
Maria said with defiance, “I’m his wife….you are in my home…who are
The girl, wearing a pink lace nightgown, pointed her nose in the air and said, “I’m his girlfriend.”
Maria said, “You need to leave now.”
The girl said, “No! I’m staying. He invited me and we are together.”
Maria looked at her husband, still standing in the corner, still looking like he wanted to vomit, and couldn’t understand why this was happening. Instead she told them both, “I want you both out!”

Maria had faced his infidelities before…he cheated, lied and cheated more. Now it was done. She was done. She knew his cheating was never going to end and it was time to move on. Problem was, neither of them left that back house. They stayed. For 3 more days. But because Maria owned the property outright – her husband’s name was not on anything – she took the liberty to change the locks and then, one day, while he and his girl were in the little back house, Maria had their cars towed off her property.
Both had come running out of the back house (half dressed) while the tow truck driver hooked up car after car. (Her husband had a mechanic business and had 3 other cars in her driveway.) As cars were disappearing to a lot that would cost him $250-$500 a car, he started promising to move out and give her what she wanted. Maria ignored him watching the tow truck driver work.
Within 30 minutes the cars and the cheating husband were gone.
It’s been 3 years. Does she regret anything? Only that she didn’t leave him earlier. The new girl she found in bed with her husband was one of many he’d played with. Sadly in the beginning she thought she was to blame for his infidelities. But over time, she realized her husband evil was his way to feel better about himself. Maria could have never provided that for him.
I call it the Dorothy syndrome. You can’t give what you don’t have. If you don’t love yourself you will forever go out and look for someone to fill that hole in you. But like Dorthy, who all along had the power to get what she wanted, if we don’t find the love for ourselves inside us, we will never find it anywhere else, because that’s where it is. Inside. Always.
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