Midlife Crisis Expert “The Wife Expert” Laurie McDermott On “The Brown Park Podcast”

Australia!  Love the women down there!

They are tough, so wise and adamantly willing to fight for their marriage in endless ways! 

An Australian Podcast company called “The Brown Park Podcast” reached out to me to do a segment.  And I happily obliged! As it is my job is to EDUCATE the world on Midlife crisis and surviving a husband or wife who leaves, cheats or is in midlife crisis.  

Living with someone having a Midlife Crisis is not an easy road. It’s SHIT. Being separated from a MLCer is just as hard (or just as shitty) in different ways because when the doesn’t live with you, you don’t get to see all he’s doing. Plus our crazy minds drum up way more horrific scenes of what he’s doing than what he IS actually doing.  Make sure you subscribe to MY YOUTUBE Channel!

The boys on “The Brown Park Podcast” sounded like they knew what they were talking about!

 Here is my interview spot on “The Brown Park Podcast!”

NEED HELP? Reach out to me:  thewifeexpert@gmail.com

Get my Midlife Crisis “My Grateful” help book on AMAZON.




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