American Idol Kelly Clarkson? Remember her? Wow. Wow. Wow.
The first time I paid attention to her songs, any of her songs, was when she was on American Idol as a guest (after she won). She had a song she was singing about her dad….after he left her mom. And how it affected her.
I bawled my eyes out. By then my husband was home and my life was moving to get back on track, but that didn’t stop me from imploding on the inside.
Feeling her pain was raw and real. The rare exposed insight to a child’s mind…the intense pain after Dad walks out on mom. The song is sung by a woman who was now a new mom and wife…and had real love from a man, her husband. Now she knows what that safe feeling feels like. The cocoon I talk about. The new one she created for her own family.
I heard the song the other night and it was as if I heard it for the first time. I bawled my eyes out again. (I’m tearing up now just thinking about it!!) It’s so clear and real to what your kids may be feeling right now…and if dad doesn’t come back…it’s what they may feel later in life too.
WTF is wrong with the leavers?????? I still don’t get it. I get emails daily from left behind spouses….and at first I’m excited to have another wife find me so that I can help them, but then reality rocks me that this is just another family imploding by MLC.
Did you know Kelly has another song too? The song that was written BEFORE the Piece by Piece song?
I didn’t know they were related either. Till I read about it the other day.
“Because of You,” was written about her Dad as well. Dad has an affair and leaves mom…and now Kelly will never be the same. It’s written by her when she was 16. Such a sad song it was decided that it couldn’t appear on her album “Thankful” because it was so negative.
I’m putting the videos below for you – BUT PLEASE READ my rules and understandings first:
1) This is what your kids may feel if Dad doesn’t come home.
2) This is what you will have to face in your kids if dad doesn’t come home.
3) This is why you must…because you love your husband anyway, you fight to get him home. To keep your family intact and save your babies from these feelings.
Breathe…. ALSO – The later song? It’s a dedication to her husband as well as a rip on her dad…because he husband loved her for who she is and will be an incredible father to her kids. That said, Kelly is now getting divorced from her husband…or so the tabloids say. So so so sad. If you have followed me here…you know about divorce when a spouse has a rocky childhood. Here we go. If any of you have ANY connections to reach Ms. Clarkson…please let her know I am here…and can help her if she would like to connect back to her husband Brandon Blackstock.
They are a family too….
“Because Of You…”
“Piece By Piece”….
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