The Devil has Your MidLife Crisis Husband

The Devil has your Midlife Crisis Husband.

That is what I believe.

Get this book below IMMEDIATELY. (written by Father Lambert).

And read the excerpt below..every day and every night.

Here is what to say:

One a day – every night and day….then repeat.


Prayers One May Say on Behalf of Another (The Midlife Crisis Man or Woman) How to get them away from the devil and get them home. Get them away from their affair partner and get them home. ❤️❤️

1. Read Psalm 3 and conclude with the following prayer:

O God, our protector, look and see how many are those who afflict your servant N. Come quickly mighty defender, let your blessing rest in abundance upon him/her, that in the very moment of the devil’s attack he/she may know you are his/her Savior.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

2. Read Psalm 11 and conclude with the following prayer:

O God, who love justice and have regard for the poor, free your servant N. from hidden snares and defend him/her from those that are plain to see, so that following what pleases you, he/she may be worthy to gaze upon your face.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

3. Read Psalm 13 and conclude with the following prayer:

Almighty God, do not turn your face away from your servant N., lest our enemy triumph over him/her; but so fill his/her heart with rejoicing at your salvation, that you may bring him/her to escape the lake of the second death.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

4. Read Psalm 22 and conclude with the following prayer:

O God, who reconciled the world to yourself through the Passion of your Son, we humbly beseech you: do not withdraw your help from your servant N., but look to his/her defense; and from the mouth of the lion that seeks to carry him/her off set him/her free.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

5. Read Psalm 31 and conclude with the following prayer:

Be a rock of refuge for your servant N., O Lord, and release him/her from the snare of the pursuing enemy, for you have redeemed him/her by the Precious Blood of your Son. Let your face shine upon him/her and, since you know the anguish of his/her soul, save him/ her in your mercy.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

6. Read Psalm 35 and conclude with the following prayer:

O God, protector of those who hope in you, take up buckler and shield and rise up on behalf of your servant N. Set him/her free from the snares of the enemy and with your power fight those who fight against him/her.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

7. Read Psalm 54 and conclude with the following prayer:

Save your servant N., O Lord, and in your power pass judgment on the Evil One who seeks his/her soul, so that, delivered from every trial, he/she may confess and magnify your holy name.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

8. Read Psalm 68 and conclude with the following prayer:

See, O lord, the affliction of your servant N., and rise up to his/her aid, so that, delivered from bondage to the devil and restored to tranquil devotion, he/she may confess how wondrous you are.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

9. Read Psalm 70 and conclude with the following prayer:

Lord, come to our assistance, and make haste to help your servant N., that, with the temptations of our enemy the devil vanquished, he/she may be defended always by your

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