DO You want to be happy? Like…really happy? Can you give up 5 minutes? Twice a day? 5 measly little minutes? That’s all you need! Do you have that kind of time?
Let me ask a few hard questions…just to be sure: 1) Do you want to be happy? 2) Do you want to be happy? 3) Do you want to be happy?
If you have answered NO to the previous 3 questions, go to HOME page and pretend to you’ve never been to this site before… If you have answered YES to the previous 3 questions, do nothing else until you buy this book: “The 5 Minute Journal”.
Let’s be real. I’m not a fan of diaries or journals. It’s not that I don’t like writing or keeping my life in script. Journals are so hard to keep up. It’s the stress of knowing I have made a commitment to write in it. (that’s why I stopped my subscription to People” – I couldn’t keep up and the stress of seeing them stack up unread, gave me hives.) Then I think of all that I have to write and I just don’t have the time…so guess what? I don’t write anything. And because I’m the type of person who, when I make a commitment and fail, I beat myself up. So I don’t get into situations where a commitment puts the worry/fear of failure into me. I strictly avoid them. Besides, I also never have enough time and when I do think of filling one in, it’s been many days since the ‘story’ happened and… it’s too much of a bother.
But this journal is different from other journals. The 5 Minute Journal isn’t a chart of: “oh..and my day was this and that…and I was happy and sad and frustrated…blah, blah, blah…” Nope. This journal is all about changing your perspective. Day and night those 5 minutes will change your life. If you do what the book says, I promise (this is a big deal because I don’t promise anything. Ever. (ask my kids)) You will make yourself happy.
Let’s revisit the above: Do you want to be happy?
Go buy this book. Do NOT put it on a shelf. Do NOT say, “I’m going to start this tomorrow…” Make a commitment to yourself that you are going to do this the DAY it arrives. There are some pages of information to read prior to starting the journal. Informative pages. Pages to read and learn. If you feel they are a waste, then do what you can…and blow through them as soon as you can so you can begin the magic of change.
THE SIMPLEST WAY TO START YOUR DAY HAPPY – Using the science of positive psychology to improve happiness, The Five Minute Journal, focuses your attention on the good in your life. Improve your mental well-being and feel better every day.
COMPLAIN LESS, APPRECIATE MORE. It’s a choice. Your choice. Buy the book. You have nothing to loose. And so so so much to gain.
Then email me your story.
If you need help. In life, marriage, death….coaching is Available. I am here to help.
The 5 Minute journal is the greatest gift: as a christmas gift, birthday gift, graduation gift or “just because” gift to give .
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