In early 2023, when a friend recommended watching “Ted Lasso,” the only reason I turned it on was that Apple+ had a “three months free” option.
So we clicked and joined, but not before I put an alarm on my phone to cancel Apple+ 2.5 months later so I wouldn’t be charged. After all, I wasn’t going to like this show or any show enough to keep paying for another channel. Or so I thought….
Apple+, like all the other paid channels, had a bunch of other good shows we saw as we clicked to the ‘Ted Lasso” button. And there we started…
Immediately after we started that very first show we were hooked. My husband hates starting anything new and after episode 1 and then 2, he was so excited that the show was so good he wanted to tell his friends and keep watching. We aren’t “binge” people as we are both way to busy with work and kid and life that we don’t make TV time a priority. But Ted Lasso has two positives: “sports” and “love”. Both the main ingredient to getting both a male and female to agree on a program to watch together.
Incredibly Ted Lasso soon became our favorite show. The sport part kept my husband entertained, and the love part kept me rewinding to hear the incredible writing over and over. Beautiful!
As most of you know, I’m a relationship coach, focused on wives and midlife crisis or any crisis that comes between you and your forever mate. Ted Lasso is a man in love trouble. He’s a great guy and from the viewers point of view, he’s hilarious, positive, honest and believes that attitude is everything. And yet he has a wife who wanted out. What did he not give her…? What was she looking for…?
Those questions are never really answered but as the show progressed, we get to watch Ted rediscover life without his wife (so far…), and seeing her and his son and having to suck it up and stay friendly to her when she is so distant and cold. Sound familiar??
But the BEST parts are the moments when you are watching him unfold moments you recognize in your own marriage and the words he uses (the incredible writing) are pure gold.
If you are struggling in your own marriage, I encourage you to watch this show…as it reminds us all about love, friendship, connection, letting things go and of course, staying positive!
Here are a few classic lines from the show and exactly where to find them:
- Ted Lasso – Season 1: Episode 10:
“I think it’s the lack of hope that comes and gets you. See, I believe in hope. I believe in belief. Now, where I’m from, we got a saying too, yeah? A question, actually. “Do you believe in miracles?” Now, I don’t need y’all to answer that question for me… but I do want you to answer that question for yourselves. Right now. Do you believe in miracles?” - Ted lasso – Season 3, Episode 4: “Big Week”
At the end when Ted talks to ex wife about how he doesn’t like that she’s dating their old therapist and that even if they are apart they will be stuck together grandkids …forever. Just incredible. - Ted Lasso —Season 3, Episode 11:
“I hope that either all of us or none of us are judged by the actions of our weakest moments, but rather by the strength we show when and if we’re given a second chance”
Don’t miss this Apple+ show: “Ted Lasso.”
And just in case you were wondering, when my alarm went off 2.5 months after we subscribed for free, to cancel Apple+, Ted Lasso’s season 3 was just about to come out and…well….I just couldn’t do it.
Hope you enjoy the show as much as the rest of the world…and if you hear a quote or comment that you know I’d love, or if you want need help in your marriage – reach out to me:
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