How the Wife of an Alcoholic Moved Past Pain & Anger to Joy & Love

Here is Monica’s Story: Suffering is a Choice.

How the Wife of an Alcoholic, whom she loved more than life without him, moved past her pain & anger to Joy & Love. 

Bryan was only 48 when he had a heart-attack alone in his apartment. Monica shares, in the interview I had with her below, about the suffering she faced while he was alive, choosing to drink alone over living with his family.

Monic points out that when we say, “He did this to me…!” we are indeed choosing to be and stay a victim.  He didn’t do this to you. He did this to himself.  That goes with betrayal, drugs, alcohol. We as women must realize we do have the power to be better ourselves and love and let go. 

Free Will is given to all of us and when we see another person using their free will as a vision of a train wreck, we must remember we are not them and they are not us.

Monica shares about how she turned to mediation and even created a product that she needed herself (wipes without the scent of alcohol) that keeps your hands clean and your senses comforted.

You can click here to purchase what scents she has left.  

Please listen to our interview below and please share this with the women who are dealing with their own alcoholic husbands.

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