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It’s like talking to me. I look right in the camera and tell you exactly what to do, what to say and what to think. And I make them funny! (FYI – Scroll to the bottom to read what the FYI is…)
My Videos started when a wife would call me every week or so and ask the SAME question. Because I’m efficient and don’t like to waste your time or mine I tried to solve this problem by speaking to her in different tones and different cadences and begging her to write things down to help her remember what I said.
One day I laughed and flat out asked her, “You know you asked me this every time we talk….”
She said, “I know…I read it…I write it…and I hear you say it on our calls…it just won’t go in my head and stay there. I feel so anxious and so sad…and when we talk, you give me so much hope…”
Hope. So when she speaks with me I give her hope. People can’t remember “hope.” I know that. Why? Because I was there. I struggled with Hope too!

So there we were…
She would call and I would talk to her….and give her hope and motivation.
Then what day she laughed and said, “Can you look into your phone and make a video and send it to me? And then I can save it and have you to hug in my phone every day?”
Hmmm….So I did. I made her a video.
Then I got to thinking….what if I put everything I have learned through my husbands MLC and beyond in a whole bunch of videos so everyone else can access???
It would bring HOPE!!!
Wives can stop the anxiety!!! And FEEL BETTER!!!
Wives could access details of every situation and how to deal!
It would stop the wait/delay in having to talk to me!
Wives could watch me anytime they needed to feel better – even at 2am!
So they if wives knew MY basics, when we did talk, we could spend the time and get REALLY specific about exactly what to do with the stubborn husband or detailed words or responses to say in a precise situation!
So I took 6 months – using my writing, producing, editing and comedy skills…every morning and every night…I went to work.
My goal was 20 videos. There are now 183 videos! And more coming!!!!
All the wives on the videos get access to me first. Because I know they are committed and determined to do everything they can to get their husband back and get life back to normal!
Wives on my videos also are able to have access to do texting with me and quickie calls…because I know they KNOW everything. We can get super specific!!
My Favorite experience from a dedicated “Spouse” was a man. We will call him “P.” When he first called and told me his story I was doubtful for him. I told him flat out, “Wives are hard to get home. Specially when they find a rich horseface (her’s had $$) who throws money at her. Men are way easier. You are going to have to work VERY HARD…watch all the videos and do every single thing I tell you to do and say.”
He agreed.
My other doubt? Him. I doubted him. Men don’t get it. Relationships. Men in my program have to work harder. Which is why women who leave a marriage don’t often come back. Men have to tuck in their Ego and be a MAN at the same time. That’s a hard shift. And most men give up. (Maybe why God gave the birthing baby job to us women?? HAHAHA! That’s funny!) (Hopefully you know by now I write like a speak – and when I type something funny…I will laugh)
So….Guess what?
He did.
He did work hard.
He blew me away with his dedication.
He signed up for my Videos, he joined monthly texting and did quickies often. He attended my Zoom classes (once a month!) often too and even spoke a couple times! (if you were on – maybe you remember him???)
With Texting, he would screen shot and send me what his wife would send to him and I would write a response for him to send to her. He didn’t just send what I wrote…he READ what I wrote and LEARNED how to talk to his wife!!
It worked!!
In 10 months – he called that they had a “love” moment and got physical…she was leaning back to him!!!
I cried.
For like days….
I cried because I was so happy for his kids and his wife – What an incredible man!! Not perfect!! But willing to do anything get to there! That wife is SOOOOO lucky and blessed woman. Hahaha….she has NO IDEA how fortunate she is.
A MAN made it happen! AND so damn fast!! My belief was restored! But only for those who do the work. (I hate the word “work” for husbands and couples because it sounds exhausting…and I can teach you how it’s NOT!) (so don’t say “work” when it comes to reconnecting!! Okay???)
Below Are TWO LETTERS you MUST Read:
Laurie is an angel sent from God to save marriages. I do not say that lightly; it comes from a deep place of faith and understanding of the divine. If it wasn’t for the advice, coaching, encouragement, and unwavering hope she gave me, I would not still be married today.
Two years ago, my wife of nine years came home out of the blue and told me she no longer loved me or wanted to be married. I floundered alone for nine months trying to figure out what to do. Once I discovered a long infidelity, I filed for separation and spiraled further downward until hitting the lowest point of my life. That is when God led me to Laurie.
She completely changed the trajectory of my life. From our very first phone call, I followed her advice and saw instant results. For the next eight months, I relied on her almost daily. She respected the boundaries I set for myself and always adjusted her advice to me as she kept me on the straight path. She gave me encouragement and validation when I needed it most. The value she provided cannot be given a price….helping me focus on personal growth, giving me strength to become a better dad through my separation, and ultimately keeping me in a place to which my wife could eventually return.
I would implore anyone who finds their marriage in trouble and wants to stay married to allow Laurie to be a part of your journey. I continue to thank God daily for the blessing this woman is to marriages.”
P – Chattanooga, TN
From Wife Yesterday:
Hi Laurie
I started typing email to you last night but then decided to finish it this am. And here you are writing to me!
I just wanted to say you’re an amazing human being. Your logical approach to this nightmare freed me from anxiety and misery. Something my therapist could not help me with for months!
I would not only obsess about his AP but I’d be like afraid of her!
I was unable to be productive during my day and could not think of anything but him and her.
And then you gave me a new perspective. You helped me get rid of the FEAR. That was my biggest issue. You gave me hope. And even if it’s false hope, I am not wasting my life and health. I live my life again.
I will be forever grateful helping me get out of that harmful mindset.
Thank you!
What is FEAR!?!?
A Walking-Awake-Nightmare
Fear….It’s a choice. Fear. You can choose to engage in it. Or stop it.
My videos STOP Fear. But you have to watch them…Every day. Like school. Every time you feel fear. Go listen to my words calm you.
You will get though this. I promise.
Did you read that….? Stay here…stay with me…do the work….do YOU…you will get through this!
Will he come home? You have THE BEST CHANCE doing what I teach!!!
I’m here for you!! USE ME!!! Get on the Damn Videos!!! A year is 1.09 cents a day!!! You can’t NOT afford This!
The FYI (from above!)
What I know about Funny: I was a standup comedian for over 20 years!! I did the Cruise Ships, US military tours, comedy festivals, and comedy clubs all over the USA! I was even on Comic Relief VI – Jan 15 1994- I did a skit with Billy Crystal…2 days before Los Angeles Northridge Earthquake!
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I've Been There.
He left me too! And he came back!
Let's Get on a call so you feel
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that what you are doing
is the right thing to do!
Let's get him (or Her!) home!
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