Marriage is like a garden, weed it or it will die.
If you give something zero attention it fades.
If you nurture, love and take care of your marriage, it will grow.
Sure you will have shitty (being honest here) times and great times…and just like we say in our vows…we have to stick with it. Cause the shit comes. Sometimes it’s even sticky and stays…for awhile…but nothing stays the same…things do and will change.
When it comes to your garden, take care of it. Get up. Look at it. See where it needs plucking and pruning and do the work.
Marriage is NOT easy. Two people with different outlooks and different perspectives trying to live a life together for more than a weekend? For years and years? Hard. Friggin Hard.
But doable. And when you get past the hurdles of hurt and muck and dirt and bugs, if you stick with it, keep getting on your knees, keep weeding…in time it will get easier and the flowers WILL grow. And grow. And grow.
What you put in, is what you get out.
What do you want?
It’s in your hands!!
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