Midlife Crisis A Wife Shares Her Success

I get tons of emails and letters!  And boy do I love sharing anything I’m getting!  Of course I must ask permission and not everyone says yes.

Today, this woman below said yes!  And not surprisingly, because I just adore her!  (I adore all of you!) This lady is her own unique person and has been working on several things for years. And she just doesn’t quit. She hit a huge bump when her husband chased their friend/neighbor from down the street. And that’s when I met her. Now a year or so later, she’s moving away (to get away from Horseface) hoping her hubby will just follow (and I’m confident he will! and so is she!)

Bottom line: We do not wait! We live our life with love and compassion and continue to grow to be the best version of ourselves we possible can!  Loving unconditionally is a free gift that if you understand and can accomplish, you will live a way better more meaningful life!

That’s what this woman is doing!  She recently wrote me a letter and gave the blessings that I may share it with you all!


Hi Laurie,

It’s Amy (I’m on another email since it’s not cool having a tech-savy husband who may ask questions.)

I just love you and your videos. You have saved my life! Even though you
don’t hear from me much, I’m doing great and it’s all because of your

I’m so sorry I can’t be on the Zoom next month, your schedule seems to
conflict with my work traveling and next
week I’ll be driving to Idaho to see the progress on my new house!

Lots of great things happening here so wanted to share for the girls who
need some inspiration and pick me up:

  1. First of all, continue to tell them to work on yourself, it pays off,
    every time I’m out of town, my husband texts like crazy. A few weeks ago
    he texted 16 times on Wed and Thur and 19 times on a Friday. It’s like
    fomo I guess.
  2. He took care of the cats while I was gone and was at the house every day. He sent me videos of things he did. LOL! It wasn’t enough to just text me, “I fixed the front door,” oh no! I got a video of him opening and closing the door!
  3. I got a video of my cat purring, and the text read: “Your cat misses you.”
  4. He fixed my closet light, the garage door pad, oiled my cutting boards, the list goes on. I didn’t ask him to do any of those things. He is just being of service.
  5. When I got home, he came over for a few hours to help me with a computer problem. One hour to fix problem, one hour just chatting about life and the kids.
  6. Horseface’s kids are totally rejecting him (we were all cozy neighbors a few years ago). Her daughter made a comment to someone I know about their relationship: “It’s still new, once he sees my mom in her true colors,it will blow up. Her relationships never last.” Horseface’s daughter doesn’t drink because of her mom. Horseface has a huge drinking problem.And my husband hates it when people drink too much. Horseface’s son even refused to go on a trip with her because my husband was going to be there part of the time for some tennis tournament.

I don’t hear from him as much when I’m home but he never goes more than
a few days without texting me now. Some times it’s off the wall and
random stuff like, “Your parent’s house on Redfin is $658,218. So
they’re doing really well too.” Of course my parents aren’t selling their house, they have no intention of selling their house nor do they care what it’s worth, but he spends time looking this up….why?
They live in Florida. Crazy random stuff.

I even got a congratulations text when he saw what I had posted on
Facebook: “Exciting about the book manuscript. Congratulations!”

The funniest one was last week when he texted me: “Good Morning. Sorry for the bother, but do you know if cats can get dementia? Petunia has started chasing non-existent bugs and is being a bit more strange than normal…” (he took one cat with him when he moved out) I told him I think she just has spring fever as the other cats are doing weird things and being crazy as well.

He’s trying to connect with me anyway he can. I’m always nice, do
exactly what you say, thank him often, compliment him but then always
leave the conversation before it gets old and say, “Well gotta go. Have
a great day!”
I never text him unless he texts first, even business
stuff because he always texts now every few days or lately every day.

The best text was last week on Saturday. He never texts on the
weekend, I guess he’s too busy with Horseface, but now I’m starting to get texts
on Friday, Sat and Sunday.Last Saturday he texts me:
“Just FYI, I saw there was a new show, “Julia” on HBO Max. The first 3
episodes will be there in a couple of hours. Thought you might enjoy
Wow! “Thought you might enjoy that?” Crazy to think of the
difference between last year and this year. Tell everyone there is hope!

He’s been gone 14 months. He knows now that I know about horseface. It’s
a long story but when it happened, I used your divorce strategy and said,
“Well I just want you to be happy, that’s my main concern and I hope
you’ve found the happiness you’ve been looking for with her.”
I also said, “I’m letting you go (meaning to be happy with her). That doesn’t
mean I want a divorce, I still believe in us. I still have hope for us.
But my main concern is for your happiness.”
He choked up and said, “No, I don’t want a divorce either.”
And then recovered and said, “You need my
insurance and it doesn’t make sense financially.”

Whatever, that isn’t the real reason -the main thing is he doesn’t want it. But ever since that talk he’s been way different, doing things, texting more, etc.
reconnecting with the kids and his mom. He doesn’t talk about her with
anyone at the moment.

Anyway, lots of great stuff happening. Just wanted to tell you how much
your program works, but I know you already know that! 🙂

I have a feeling when I move to Idaho, he will be there shortly if not
before. He’s said things like, “Well I hope you’ll be happy there.” To
which I said, “Oh I think I will be, it’s a beautiful place. And your
cousins are nearby, we have so much fun together.”

And I will be doing a testimonial one of these days for you. I promise!
He is coming home. I feel it even more strongly now. I’ll do an
interview with you as well. I believe so much in your program. And even
if he doesn’t come home, I’m going to be ok. I’ve turned a corner.

Have a fabulous day!

love you!


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