Aime came to me through one of the many wives I coach. It’s a rarity that someone is open and honest and wants to share their story. Aime did.
What happens when you go through a MLC with your husband?
EVERYTHING!! Everything happens!! The biggest thing that happens is that YOU grow!! Women that don’t grow are divorced. Or stuck in anger. If you choose to rid your mind of anger, you will grow!! And that’s what I think is the most unusual part of this whole mess.
The benefit to you. No one see it, or talks about it, but it’s the one thing divorced people do not get: compassion, understanding and unconditional love.
Maybe you’ve seen this? Maybe you know women who are bitter and angry and hold this ‘justice” inside them? That by not letting go of anger and hatred toward the person that wronged them, somehow they are causing him pain?
Maybe there is pain to him? Maybe not? But he won’t be coming home knowing he has to face those daggers for the rest of his life here on Earth. Think about it….would you? Would you come home to a person that holds your mistakes above your head and talks about them all day long? I’m guessing no.
Amies story is on listening apps as well as on YouTube. I’m going to send you to YouTube so you can SEE them!
So please subscribe to the podcast channel and subscribe to the YouTube channel – both are FREE!!!
And if you need more help, advice or support – Email me.
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