Trish & Shane Midlife Cheating Wife Comes Home! Husband Shares his Story

The caller asked in a deep voice…

“Do you ever coach men?”

“YES! I LOVE coaching Men!!”

The random man calling about this wandering midlife crisis wife get a yippee! from me! – does not say “husband” however – they call anyway! And I’m so grateful because my success rate with husbands is actually higher than women!

Why? Because they listen more. They don’t know as much about the ins and outs of relationships, so they are more open to hearing what to do…because their point of reference is likely -0. And since they want their wife back – they will do the work!


I love my wives…(doesn’t that sound funny?) and when I get a husband – I love to coach the men too!

A couple of years ago a wonderful, beautiful man called me to help him get his wife that he loved and adored away from her affair partner and back home with him. And within 10 months of working with me – she responded and she was “home!” I say home like that because they had separated a bunch of things already and that does take time to put back into one place. But it worked. She was back. Away from Horseface (same gender) and back with him.

Here is the Deal: He did EVERYTHING I said. And I mean – EVERYTHING. He watched ALL my videos so often he would repeat things I said word for word back to me. He asked deep questions and then listened and took notes. I could hear him scribbling as he paused while we spoke to jot and write! Like any great teacher – we LOVE great students – and anytime he reached out – I was ready to help!!

He now is home with her and their 4 children…and they are rebuilding and doing great! I’m beyond excited for him…and I know she is DAMN lucky!! He is one great guy!! And she almost lost him! And thankfully, just because of him…she has her family. And we (the world) now have 4 kids that will grow up under their one roof and loving guidance!

Here is what he sent to me about his experience working with me:

“Laurie is an angel sent from God to save marriages.

I do not say that lightly; it comes from a deep place of faith and understanding of the divine.

If it wasn’t for the advice, coaching, encouragement, and unwavering hope she gave me, I would not still be married today.

Two years ago, my wife of nine years came home out of the blue and told me she no longer loved me or wanted to be married. I floundered alone for nine months trying to figure out what to do. Once I discovered a long infidelity, I filed for separation and spiraled further downward until hitting the lowest point of my life.

That is when God led me to Laurie. She completely changed the trajectory of my life. From our very first phone call, I followed her advice and saw instant results. For the next eight months, I relied on her almost daily. She respected the boundaries I set for myself and always adjusted her advice to me as she kept me on the straight path. She gave me encouragement and validation when I needed it most.

The value she provided cannot be given a price….helping me focus on personal growth, giving me strength to become a better dad through my separation, and ultimately keeping me in a place to which my wife could eventually return. I would implore anyone who finds their marriage in trouble and wants to stay married to allow Laurie to be a part of your journey. I continue to thank God daily for the blessing this woman is to marriages.

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