Understanding Midlife Crisis with Therapist Jean-Pierre “JP” De Oliveira

Midlife Crisis wives search for answers and on their way they meet therapist after therapist that does not believe in a MLC. “Midlife Crisis” is just a myth. (Insert laughter here) (or maybe tears & frustration)

How can the smart doctors of our time not see clearly what is happening to our men and women who get “addicted” to something and run.

Pure insanity is what we see and when wise educated people say, “not real” it’s painful.

JP is one of those Rare therapists that if you are in his Zone – for insurance – take him for your hubby or lost wife. I’ll keep you straight -you can see your men to see a man who knows what he is thinking and feeling.

JP gets it, believes in it and knows how to come out. Which is why I did an interview with him on my podcast. I love talking to smart people who know what others struggle with.

Watch the below. If you know me you can see me chomping on my mouth – holding back questions. I was in this hard place of wanting to ask more but afraid I’d interrupt a roll that he was on! In the end, it’s a great interview. I hope you like it!

As always – reach out to me if you need help. I’m here to help you KEEP YOUR FAMILY TOGETHER AND HAPPY!!

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