What the Bible Says about Midlife Crisis?

Do not read this if you are not religious.  If you are…oh my This is soooo cool!!! I read this on this page and just had to list what the Bible says about MLC. Imagine Jesus and God sitting up in heaving talking about MLC??? As you would suspect, this is not a new thing. Think of the amazing story of the “prodigal son?”

While many of you, my loyal readers, are not religious, may I encourage all of you to keep an open mind? Getting through a spouse with MLC, Midlife Crisis is 100 times easier when you have God or Jesus (and also me human here on earth) walking beside you. Because then there is a purpose to this madness. Or in place becomes a higher power to look after him or her (if it’s your wife that has lost her mind) or even you.

Without God, facing MLC is doable, but just way harder. Many wives have said to me, “I don’t need to believe in God…cause you do. And if I work with you…then you’ll put in a good word for me.”


Seriously.  You guys make me roll with laughter sometime.  And cry.  I’ve been brought to my knees so many times because of some God winks you have shared it’s getting too many to count!  However, each of them are well worth it. So please type me up some great God winks!  Anytime!  Send them:  TheWifeExpert@gmail.com

But bigger picture?  At the end of the day, aka the end of your life, if you get to heaven and God is there (laughing at you) that you didn’t believe in him. Well, remember, he’s a good God…and if you get there, you’ll be in good hands then. The trick is in absences of God (light) there is no God (dark).  Which makes it so easy to go to the dark side when you do not believe in God.

I hope this makes sense?

Bottom line?
What the Bible Says About Midlife Crisis (MLC) 

A midlife crisis happens to a male or female, between 35 and 60, as they go through a “slump” or depressed state of mind where they begin to reevaluate everything in their life, direction/purpose. Personal reactions to a midlife crisis vary wildly! Some buy cars, houses, planes, some quit jobs, find new partners, all as they long to regain their youth. Many go on spending sprees, act flirtatiously, or seek out adventure. Others may lean inward and worry about unmet goals, the uselessness of life, or the emptiness of their once close relationships.

To be clear: The Bible does not address the issue of “midlife crisis” directly, as the phenomenon has really only been researched since the 1970s, and the term “midlife crisis” is really quite new.

One may look at the book of Ecclesiastes, which details the emptiness of a life lived apart from God. Even after years of work and piling up accomplishments, the Preacher despairs of finding any lasting value:
“My heart took delight in all my labor,
and this was the reward for all my toil.
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done
and what I had toiled to achieve,
everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
nothing was gained under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 2:10–11).

Here are three biblical reasons why a person may experience something like a midlife crisis.
1) We live in a fallen world. All of us sin. None of us live up to our potential.  We all struggle with feelings of regret and disappointment that are amplified as we age: as our mortality becomes more apparent, we realize we’re running out of time and our past failures become more permanent. Preacher says, “Days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, ‘I find no pleasure in them.’” (Ecclesiastes 12:1).

2) He or she is undergoing spiritual warfare. The ultimate account of a “midlife crisis” is that of Job. This godly man lost everything he had due to the attacks of Satan on his life. Afterward, God restored to Job what he had lost and blessed him for not faltering in his faith during the time of attack (Job 42:12–17). While spiritual warfare can happen at any time, not just in midlife, it certainly could play an integral role in what we call today a midlife crisis.

3) Selfishness. We are inherently selfish creatures (Romans 8:5), and when we spend the first half of life chasing wealth or prestige or “feelings” of happiness, then we are bound to feel let down at midlife. We may have earned money, power, risen in the ranks, and enjoyed many many things, but at what expense? If at 45 years old our relationships are in shambles, our job is in jeopardy, and stress is killing us, then we are ripe for the horrific depression that often accompanies a midlife crisis.


  • Seek God’s grace: Whenever you face trials of any kind, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, and now not lacking anything.” (James 1:2–4).

  • Study Writer Donald Richie: “Midlife crisis begins sometime in your 40s, when you look at your life and think, ‘Is this all?’ And it ends about 10 years later, when you look at your life again and think, ‘Actually, this is pretty good’”  

  • Be the believer who says:  “Midlife is simply another step in God’s plan and can be embraced for the perspective, wisdom, and opportunities for service that come with growing older.”

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