I’d been separated for about 7 months when I came across this book.
When Amazon delivered it, I opened it up and read the cover, “Broken Heart on Hold…“
Did I have a broken heart?
Was I on hold?
I denied both of those thoughts and took that book and threw it directly into a drawer. I had thrown everything that didn’t have to be done in the next hour into a drawer beause I just couldn’t deal with life. Nothing mattered but getting my husband home.
And Survival. Survival was the other only thing on my mind. How was I going to take care of 3 kids that didn’t deserve to have their dad leave and now have me so out of it that I couldn’t care for them?
This was more than a broken heart, this was a mess.
Having a broken heart or having to live a life being “on hold”, if I was honest, scared the crap out of me, so off to the drawer they go!
I’d see the book once in awhile when I’d open that drawer. Almost like God saying to me, “HELLO!?!?!? I’m here!!! Read me!!!” But I’d just rolled my eyes and slammed the drawer closed.
Then, after the husband moved home and thing were bit calmer, the book peeked out at me from that drawer and I had a change of thought. It was weird, because, although my husband had returned home, things with him were still “off” and I worried.
We did now share a bed again and (haha) would fool around once in awhile…but I could still feel he wasn’t done ‘wandering the earth’ and was still looking for anything that made him feel better. That included texting/contacting other random girls who made him feel young and sexy…because well…I, the lady who feared he’d leave again, and was overlooking these silly distractions.
So when that book peered out of the drawer, I grabbed it like a life preserver.
I’m ready.
I took it to the gym (I can’t read this stuff at home!)
It was there I read and read and read. Feeding my soul page after page.
There are prayers and bible quotes…which may seem silly to some…however if you believe in God or not, they are there to embellish the story.
I now want to recommend this book and will say with a strong conviction that this book, “Broken Heart On Hold” is excellent. Written true and from the heart, I wish I’d read it earlier.
But then again, I wasn’t ready.
God finds his magic to get into you just in time.
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