Did you know…the #1 Secret to a Successful Marriage is Travel together?
The U.S. Travel Association, in 2012, conducted a study to understand if, and to what extent, leisure travel strengthened relationships between romantic partners. Edge Research conducted the probability. Here is what they discovered to a successful marriage:
- Couples who travel together have healthier, happier relationships (successful marriage) compared to those who do not.
- Couples in a romantic relationships report traveling together makes their relationships happier, communication better, more romance, better sex and a feeling of more quality time and sharing of common goals and desires.
- Couples feel more satisfied in their relationships in general and felt they had a successful marriage.
- Couples rate their relationship high.
- Couples who travel together are more likely to say that they share similar goals and desires.
- Couples feel they both have a good balance of time together and apart.
- Couples feel they agree more on how to spend their money.
- Couples feel they laugh and have fun together
- Couple feel they handle differences better.
- Couples feel that their partner is patient and that they are best friends.
Three key summations emerging from the study:
1) Travel has long-term benefits for couples.
2) Travel helps build, maintain and strengthen relationships.
3) Travel ignites romance and intimacy.
Bottom line: Relationships last longer among couples who travel together, and divorce rates are higher among couples who do not travel together.
Laurie’s Bottom line: If you are married and want things to go well and last…travel with your partner. Get out of your crap at home at least 4 times a year ALONE with your partner. If you have kids, bring the in-laws over, hire a nanny, ask kids friends parents to watch your kids (and you will do the same for them)…just figure it out. Find a way. If traveling together means you will have a successful marriage, why not do it? There is a will…there is a way. But don’t wait…don’t do nothing….cause it will catch up and you will feel the results of not spending time together!!
To view the full article and statistics: https://www.ustravel.org/sites/default/files/media_root/5.2015_Relationship_ExecSummary.pdf
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