Want to stay sane while your husband is wandering the planet?
Below is a list of the main Core Values we could have in our life. I want you to read through the list *or print it and circle what you feel most describes your value system (aka what you think is most important in your life).
Only pick 5 that you feel are most important to you. These then become your 5 core values that you can look to.
How does that help you? Well, you use it to guide every decision you make. If your core value is learning and you are stuck and feeling lost, like you are just sitting around waiting for your husband, maybe taking a class or learning some new skill will help ground you.
If Fame is a core value…and other people will be in your life always…if your husband is shy and hates strangers coming up to talk to you…it is something to think about.
If Peace is a core value…look around your home, your job, your friends and see what is bringing you peac and what is not bringing you peace.
If Honesty is a core value….don’t just demand others to be honest. Nope! This is YOUR core value. This requires only YOU be honest!!! YOU!!
Remember – you are picking YOUR core values. Not a projection on what you want from other people. Because you can’t control other people. This is your personal Core Value list on what’s important to who YOU are!
Get it?
Core Values List
Please pick 5 – write them someplace where you can see/read them every day!
- Authenticity
- Achievement
- Adventure
- Authority
- Autonomy
- Balance
- Beauty
- Boldness
- Compassion
- Challenge
- Citizenship
- Community
- Competency
- Contribution
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Determination
- Fairness
- Faith
- Fame
- Friendships
- Fun
- Growth
- Happiness
- Honesty
- Humor
- Influence
- Inner Harmony
- Justice
- Kindness
- Knowledge
- Leadership
- Learning
- Love
- Loyalty
- Meaningful Work
- Openness
- Optimism
- Peace
- Pleasure
- Poise
- Popularity
- Recognition
- Religion
- Reputation
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Security
- Self-Respect
- Service
- Spirituality
- Stability
- Success
- Status
- Trustworthiness
- Wealth
- Wisdom
As always, if you need extra help, sign up to get my videos above. Or reach out to me directly. I’ve dedicated my life to help get your husband home and your family back together. If you need help, I am here.
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