What To do When He Offends Me!

He is rude and inconsiderate and he deserves to be punished!

By who?


Maybe….or maybe not.  Is it your job to cause revenge on those who hurt you?  Is it your duty?  Your will?  Are you that powerful or that spiteful that, given your brain has 100% space that 50-75% of your brain and daily power is spent stewing over another persons actions?

Maybe…maybe not.

This morning, on my group coaching class, I spoke about a new book I’m reading (this book is not new, it’s 20 years old!!) But if you were on the call, this is what I was talking about!!

If we believe there is a God, then we believe “Vengeance is his.”  Not mine.

And since I believe there is a God, let me tell you, I get to have the ULTIMATE freedom to live my life without worry or weight that I have to take care of the “eye for an eye” deal.  Cause it’s NOT mine to worry about. God has the wheel and I get to life free without worry or weight.

Two days ago a woman I have been coaching for over a year, who does happen to have many moments where she feels she is “offended” by those around her, shared with me this book: The Bait of Satan. (click here to get it!)

I trust my followers and when she said, “This book has opened my eyes…” I didn’t hesitate to look up the book and buy it right away!

And WOW!  I’m only on chapter 2 and after what I’ve read my mind is on fire!!  How did I not know about this book!? You all MUST read this book!!! TODAY!! Get it today!!  Get it now!!   I will reach out to the author and see if I can get him on my podcast (and if you can get his number and connect me directly with him, I will give you a FREE hour to talk with me!)

In the meantime.  Get the book and know “being offended” is nothing that will bring you closer to your husband, your friends or God.

When my husband left, I was driving up a street called “Meadows” near my house when I had an ah-ha moment.  Vengeance is not mine.  I must Let go and let God take him.  He’s not my problem.  He has to figure this out on his own.  It was a GREAT day and a great moment. All at once in one single swoop!  Boom.  I let go. I let God.  And I could laugh again and feel free.  AMAZING.

The book has all the answers I got that day.  Right in one book.  I hope you get it and I pray you understand…that we must let people be the people they are to be.  NMP.  Not my problem.

What to do when my husband offends me!
What to do when my husband offends me!

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