When A Child Dies…

“He’s gone…” were the first words she said to me.

It didn’t make sense. What? Why? How? Fuck.

I had nothing to say. No advice. No words of inspiration. Nothing.

After her husband left and she found out about his 3-year affair a friend had given her my phone number. She called. We met. She was lovely. Beautiful, bright and funny and a rock star of a mom.

“Let’s bring him home,” was a top goal..

After only 5 months of continuous sessions, she was doing so well…finally finding new steady ground, ready to step aside when her husband was not ready to change a thing.

This woman had been my client for 5 months and, as I like to say, endured the most painful experience a woman can go through next to a child dying…and then…her child dies?

That’s not supposed to happen. Children die AFTER Mom & Dad.

That’s like having cancer and then losing an arm.


Two God?

How do you find a way back now? Again?

I don’t have the answers.

Right now…I’m actually sitting in my closet unable to sleep…because my heart aches for this woman. And as much as I want to ….I can’t help her with this one.

If you are reading this…pray for her.

If your husband has gone…be grateful your husband is the only cause of pain in your heart right now.

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He left me too! And he came back!
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