How Not to Be A Doormat To Midlife Man

Every week I have at least 3-4 women telling me , “I am doing my best!! But I refuse to be a doormat to my lying, cheating partner and just do what this crazy midlife husband is asking me to do!”

The answer to this is simple: Stop worrying about your ego.

STOP worrying about being a doormat to this man who is clearly struggling as a husband and father! NO ONE is making you be a doormat. No one! If you are a sane and strong woman…you will NEVER be a doormat while you survive his midlife crisis!! Ever. Period.

If you do things as I suggest and stay with it…even through the hard parts, you won’t be a doormat, you’ll be a hero! A superwoman!

Just because you take a step back and shut up for a few minutes doesn’t make you a doormat. You may eat a little shit coming from your husband but none of that is doing anyone any harm and may in fact work for your advantage.

Oh…let’s be clear, by “eating shit” I mean – don’t bitch about every silly thing he says or does that you don’t like. Couples eat shit all the time. If you want a shit-less eating life – don’t get married.

Back to the point….NO ONE will make you be a doormat unless YOU decide you will be one.

If you don’t want to be doormat – you won’t. Clear and simple.

Life Your Way

If you’ve read my information on here long enough, you will see, that standing for your husband is actually being a better person and that SACRIFICING what you really want to do (strangle him and force his face into the crap he’s made you go through…so he can know your pain) is the right thing to do!

Bottom line – you will never be a doormat if you do what you decide is the right thing to do. Be kind and compassionate toward a man who treated you poorly because you were the closest one who stood near him.

You may not get an apology today or tomorrow or ever from him, but you are getting one from me. I know you are doing the right thing and YOU know you are doing the right thing. That’s all you need my friend.

Here’s a video to watch to see more:

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