The Perfect Husband?
How could you click this and what were you thinking this would say??
The perfect husband does not exist. Now the perfect wife..? Well..
Have you hear the quote:
“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” (By Sam Keen)
What that means is the whoever you are with, married to or love, they are going to be a dick, an ass, a jerk and a terrible person according to what you see from your side. That’s just how it is. We are all different and we all disappoint each other. But loving another person 100% to your core, unconditionally, means Accepting them for who they are. All their shit in their back yard.
We all have shit in our backyards. All of us. Crappy stuff about our personalities that no one sees until they get to know each other. Then it’s there. Yuck. But you look at that shit and you say, “Hmmm…that’s your shit huh?” Well, I’m not perfect either, I’ve got shit too….and well…the good about your FAR outweighs the shit I see…so you are okay. I accept you…ALL of you.
That’s what that means.
You aren’t perfect, so stop expecting your man to be perfect too. He’s not. You’re not. Be imperfectly perfect together. Love each other for who you are!
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