The Universe Has Your Back Review

I’m a coach. I get people from point A to wherever it is they want to go. Here on this site – It’s back with your husband. A place God wants you and he both to be. Period. But we have to make some changes and tweaks and adjustments.

I work with men and women….many who move forward extremely quickly and openly and are practically sponges to every word I suggest and recommend. They have their Egos in check as they seek wide-eyed to learn what they did wrong and how they can do better with their husband/wife next time/when he/she returns.

Then I have the wives/husbands who are stuck in anger. Stuck in the reasoning that their spouse did something terrible (which they did) and they must admit it, pay the price (punishment) apologize on their knees and then (maybe) if the punishing spouse “allows” it – get back together.

Truth: Spouses rarely return to these people….simply because they do not know how or are unwilling to change. To be better. To work with the spouse that left because they too were stuck.

What I share with these “stuck” Ego people? Your spouse has bailed. You have little option to ever get them to do your requirement list.

I have long searched for a book I could recommend for these “stuck” people as my coaching sessions start and end with rants on how horrible their spouse was/is. It’s like moving a 800lb rock uphill with a stick.

You know the phrase: Nothing changes till you do?


I changed. 100%. I was stuck. For a few months till God, the universe or just my desire to have my family back together was so strong, I was willing to give up a intense career and my stomping ego to turn into a vulnerable female who laughs and loves how imperfect I am.

That was years ago…and I still really love who I am. Perfectly imperfect!

The Universe Has your back Book Review

This past month I have been reading “The Universe Has Your Back.” I bought it on audiobook. And at first start, 3 months ago, I did not like the sound of the author, Gabrielle Bernstein, as she was reading it. Her voice was cracky and her tone was lazy-ish and kind of boring. Not holding my attention.

Then I had to take a drive to see a suicidal wife left by her husband after 26 years. Her home was 2 hours away and The Universe Has Your Back seemed like the perfect partner to join me as I made my 2nd attempt at this book.

Chapter 2?

I was hooked. So hooked I pulled over, pushed the lever back to the end of chapter 1 and listened to chapter 2 all over again!

What was it? Cake. Air. Pillows.

The Universe Has Your Back is unbelievable. It not only has stories of God Winks (which I LOVE) it has Gabrielle’s personal stories and feelings and solutions!

There are parts where you have to stop and write things down and come up with answers and think. There is mantras and detailed meditation help!

All of which stems back to what I repeat to my stuck clients. This is up to you. You choose joy. You choose happiness. Each day. Every day. It’s all up to you!


I have found my book for the “stuck” that isn’t just a recording of me.

Someone else is speaking my language in a different voice!!

Get the book The Universe Has Your Back. By Gabrielle Bernstein.

Order it now. On Audio. You will love it!!!

Text Laurie McDermott Marriage Advice Midlife Crisis Help
Survive His Midlife Crisis
laurie mcdermott MLC marriage coach

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