When Husband Wants to Buy a Sports car

First of all – if he wants to buy a sports car – be GRATEFUL it’s a car not a girl.

Yesterday in the parking lot at church a lady I was talking to made a noise when a cool open jeep drove by.

Then she said, “My husband wants one of those!  I think he’s going into a midlife crisis…and he is acting like a teenager!  He’s driving me crazy!”

I laughed and said, “So is he getting the jeep?”

She laughed, “Are you joking??  No way!  He’s not 18!  He’s almost 50!  He’s not getting one of those cars!”

Not everyone I know in my small community of Manhattan Beach, CA knows what I do.  A small handful of them maybe?  I don’t share because until you’ve walked in our (if you are here – you know I’ve been where you are) shoes, you just don’t know what it feels like.

Also too many women I know have stood on the “You can’t do that to me!” attitude without looking at themselves or the big picture.  I only wish they had seen a different perspecitive and taken action from a place of love and understanding as well as their family future goals rather than pride and ego.

Many left with attitude or just bailed when I thought if they had just stayed a little longer, it would have worked out.  But I can’t make people see what they can’t see.  It’s their life and their choice.  And while I love and adore many of them as dear friends, how they act in their marriages is none of my business unless they ask for my services and option.

That said, in my conversation with the above lady, I did tell her how much I would love a jeep like that as well but my hair would be too messy and I do get cold.  I also added that men are different, and sometimes if we just let them do what they want, they love and appreciate us more for letting them be their own person.

But we get scared.  It’s like if we “let” them get a car that’s fun and exciting, then we will be helping them leave us.

When in fact the opposite is true. The more you let them be and live and just walk beside them with a happy attitude, the more they will love and appreicate you for the long term!

So, what can you do to aide him in his process???  JOIN IN!!  Buy him a shirt like the one below that SCREAM “I’m cool and hip and fun!”

Get it??

Your job is to get on his side!  Men want to be understood and loved.  That’s why they go find a dumb mistress who just is full of love and fun.

So WIN at this first. YOU be that now!!!

So since we know they want you to love them, and understand them, beat them to the game!  Think fun and funny. Embrace who they are – instead of letting it scare you!

Oh and be sure to read what Men Want every single day:  attention, adoration and let them be men and know they married a cool, amazing woman.

Here is a list of stuff I’ve approved that you will love for the hubby – even if he’s not home. Just mark it for the future christmas gifts.

Don’t worry – it’s giong to grow as I find more things you will love  – I AM picky about stuff I share with you – it HAS to be good to go here.

my wife his wifeHis Wife My Wife Unicorn T-shirt.:
I saw a guy wearing this t-shirt at the airport.  He was so proud of it.  It basically screams he loves his wife and how cool she is.  So if you are cool.  This is a nice way of bragging without bragging. Cause it’s funny.

Need Help?

If you are having trouble in your own marriage, don’t give up.  Read as much as you can here at TheWifeExpert.com and if you need help navigating through the hell of your husband’s midlife crisis, I can help.

Contact me:  TheWifeExpert @ gmail.com (no spaces- that’s just to stop spam)

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